Objective To establish a derivative gas chromatog. method simultaneously quant. determination of Me methanesulfonate(MMS), Et methanesulfonate(EMS),isopropyl methanesulfonate(IMS) in escitalopram oxalate. ethods: NaI-H2 O solution as the iodonation agent,DB-WAX(30 m*0.45 mm, 85 um) capillary column was used to sep. the fatty acids and FID for quant. determination esults: The linear range of Me iodide is 0.2784∼10.44 μg/mL the linear range of Iodoethane is 0.2944∼11.04 μg/mL the linear range of 2-iodopropane is 0.2608∼9.78 μg/mL.The method's specificity and accuracy meet the requirements.Conclusion: The method shows satisfactory repeatability, simplicity and convenience, and is valid in simultaneous derivation separation and anal. of these methanesulfonic acid alkyl ester in escitalopram oxalate.