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Bringing KRAS G12C Inhibitors to Market: The Game Is On
Bringing KRAS G12C Inhibitors to Market: The Game Is On
11 July 2023
AZD4747, that shows promise in treating tumors with the KRAS G12C mutation.
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How to gain an edge in BTK target research?
How to gain an edge in BTK target research?
4 July 2023
Why do major pharmaceutical companies love BTK? This is closely related to its immense market potential, wide range of indications, clinically prominent efficacy, and safety.
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Overview of the Development Progress of PARP-7 Drug Target
Overview of the Development Progress of PARP-7 Drug Target
28 June 2023
PARP7 functions by catalyzing the transfer of a single ADP-ribose unit onto substrates, altering their functionality.
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