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Analysis on the Clinical Research Progress of Myostatin inhibitors
Analysis on the Clinical Research Progress of Myostatin inhibitors
10 October 2023
Myostatin, a member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF‐β) superfamily that is highly expressed in skeletalmuscle, was first described in 1997.
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Analysis on the Research Progress of Chk1 inhibitor
Analysis on the Research Progress of Chk1 inhibitor
10 October 2023
Chk1, also known as checkpoint kinase 1, is a crucial protein kinase involved in the regulation of cell cycle progression and DNA damage response in the human body.
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Analysis on the Clinical Research Progress of Akt inhibitors
Analysis on the Clinical Research Progress of Akt inhibitors
9 October 2023
Akt, also known as protein kinase B, is a crucial enzyme that plays a significant role in various cellular processes within the human body.
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Analysis on the Clinical Research Progress of SHP2 Inhibitors
Analysis on the Clinical Research Progress of SHP2 Inhibitors
5 October 2023
The Src homology 2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase 2 (SHP2), encoded by the PTPN11 gene, is the only confirmed oncogenic protein.
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Tumor Killers: STAT3 inhibitors
Tumor Killers: STAT3 inhibitors
5 October 2023
As a functionally diversified transcription factor, STAT3 can interact with a large number of signal molecules and forms various intra- and extracellular signal pathways.
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ROCK2 inhibitors help to restore immune balance
ROCK2 inhibitors help to restore immune balance
3 October 2023
ROCK, also known as Rho-associated coiled-coil kinases, is a class of serine/threonine protein kinases that play an important role in various common cellular functions such as cell proliferation, cell apoptosis, and gene expression.
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Advances in Clinical Research on SOS1 inhibitors
Advances in Clinical Research on SOS1 inhibitors
3 October 2023
SOS1, is a protein that plays a crucial role in signal transduction pathways within the human body.
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Broad-spectrum anti-cancer drugs - RET inhibitors
Broad-spectrum anti-cancer drugs - RET inhibitors
3 October 2023
RET is a proto-oncogene initially discovered in 1985, it is located on chromosome 10q11.2, encoding a transmembrane glycoprotein: receptor tyrosine kinase.
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New drugs in the field of diabetes - SGLT1 Inhibitors
New drugs in the field of diabetes - SGLT1 Inhibitors
3 October 2023
SGLT1, or sodium-glucose co-transporter 1, plays a crucial role in the human body by facilitating the absorption of glucose and galactose in the small intestine.
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RAS Inhibitors: A New Weapon Targeting a Deadly Factor in Cancer
RAS Inhibitors: A New Weapon Targeting a Deadly Factor in Cancer
3 October 2023
RAS is a small G protein composed of 188 amino acids, primarily distributed on the inner membrane of the cytoplasm in cells, its activity undergoes dynamic changes.
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Potential Therapeutic Drug for Autoimmune and Neurodegenerative Diseases - RIPK1 Inhibitors
Potential Therapeutic Drug for Autoimmune and Neurodegenerative Diseases - RIPK1 Inhibitors
1 October 2023
RIPK1, also known as Receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1, is a multi-domain protein that includes an N-terminal kinase domain, intermediate domain, and a C-terminal death domain.
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Analysis on the Clinical Research Progress of RAS antagonists
Analysis on the Clinical Research Progress of RAS antagonists
1 October 2023
The Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) is a crucial fluid-regulating system composed of a series of peptide hormones and corresponding enzymes.
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